
Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Chewbacca Ring Tones

Dear Outer Space: It's been so long since I've written!  I'm sorry.  I've been a bit preoccupied on a number of fronts.  We are almost to 20,000 views on our blog!  Maybe this post will knock us over that hump.  I'd love to know more about what people like that I'm writing, so that I do more of that.

My mother passed away this weekend.  I'll write more on this after I have time to understand all the feelings I'm having.

I'd like to update about my dating but I'm not ready yet.  First let me digress into the sphere of ringtones.

As I look back on my marriage with some time and distance,  it has been helpful to set some personal guidelines in my dating, so as to not repeat any cycles or draw in that which I had experienced before.  I found that it helps to use special ring tones to serve as triggers and a reminder that I am to hold out for that one alpha male who is really...well, really alpha.  Willing to stand up to me and not put up with any of my nonsense, but also willing to go the distance and be...well... ALPHA.  Anything short of full-on display of that, well....he gets a special ringtone.  Meet my special friend, Chewbacca.

I'm quite serious... It's a helpful reminder that when Chewie lights up my phone, there is a reason to not get swept up by the contact.  This is the ringtone assigned to the fallen soldiers who by either their choice or mine opted out, sexted, wanted me to sext, texted way too late at night for last minute plans or other behavior that I feel cautious around.

I love Chewbacca, but he doesn't speak English.  He doesn't speak my language and I don't really want to marry or be intimate with Chewbacca.  He's so nice and furry, but he's always second in command to Han Solo {swoon}.


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