
Wednesday, October 28, 2015

..It's that Light.

I wish I had more time to read - I love it.  My current book club read is "the life-changing magic of tidying up" by Marie Kondo.  So far it's inspired me to organize my storage closet and pitch a few bags of stuff.  She's also taught me to roll up the clothes that live in my dresser other than fold.  That's kinda weird as I've only rolled up clothes when I've taken big trips and needed to cram a lot of things and keep them wrinkle-free into a suitcase.  I didn't come to Utah with that many clothes, so the rolls of shirts and leggings suggest I am a total minimalist, but if Kondo says it will change my life, I suppose I'll try it.

Sometimes I glance at the blog by Middle Aged Mormon Man.  He's way more pious in his blog than me - even though I am working hard on fully living the gospel - I don't often write about it.  He often comes out with his thoughts and musings on gospel truths every Sunday.  This week, he posted a cute string of thoughts I felt would be fun to share with you.

I was most tickled by the study he refers to that infers that non-Mormons can recognize Mormons about 60% of the time and Mormons can recognize other Mormons almost 70%.  It's our skin.  It's that glow.  That light. How cool, rad and gnarly is that?

The daughter of a friend of mine is on a study abroad with BYU in Jerusalem.  A non-Mormon local at one of the Christian tour sites said to her group "You are Mormons, aren't you?"  They affirmed and inquired how he knew.  He responded that the Mormons coming through all seemed to possess "a light in their eyes".

Yeah... we get that a lot.

For more on what my children and I believe, please look here.
