
Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Homemade Clams Casino!

Even if you think you do not like shell fish (like me)...

Walking on the Murrell's Inlet, South Carolina beach the other night, I tripped across a particular shell.  I wish I was dorky enough to impress you with a basic working knowledge of a few of the 2000 clam varieties, but I am way too lazy for that.  Out of all the shells one can spot while covering three miles of beach, THE shell that inspired me on this walk looked like this one above, with a grey/blue hue and ridges on the outside.  As soon as I saw it, I was reminded that I was in the self-described 'Seafood Capital' of South Carolina, and I decided at that moment I wanted to buy some fresh clams and make Clams Casino.  Seek to be inspired, and inspired you shall be!

This fish market had three different clam sizes.  I went for the medium sized...too large and they get kinda rubbery textured, I'm told.  Too small and the shell will not be sufficient for the recipe.  I bought a dozen for $4.99 which yields 24 servings.  It is important to scrub them when you bring them home.  You can do this in your kitchen sink.  I chose to do it outside as they were fairly sandy.

Supposedly, you can freeze them for two hours so they just open up.  A shell difficult to open is a sign of a healthy clam. 
 Healthy clam.  Ummmm.  This isn't working.  laughing....  whining....  crying...

I may or may not have used the handle of a pair of pliers to smash this one and this was the undesirable result: 

Uhh, yeah, I kinda need the shells as part of the recipe.  Okay.  wiping perspiration off my brow...uncrinkling my face...smoothing my hair and my shirt.  We need another tactic.  Let's try five minutes in boiling water.  Yes.  Yes, that will do. 

In my Smug voice...Notice the OPEN clam shells!  Here is all you need.  Oh more thing!
Paprika!  Now this is my 'Papa Jim's" recipe.  RIP Grandpa.  He had some amazing recipes that were truly their own from his varied travels and his own modifications.  The matriarchs of the family always tried to take credit, but they are genuinely his and his alone.  It is important that the breadcrumbs be Italian-seasoned  (you can do it yourself with oregano, basil, etc)...and that the bacon be center cut (extra fatty)! 

Steam for five minutes or until the clams pop right open. They will slide right out of the shell and into a bowl.  Mince right in the bowl with a fork and sharp knife if you can.  

Try to preserve as much of the clam juice from the shell as possible.  Finely mince peppers and onions and add them to clams.

This little piggy went to market, this little piggy went home, this little piggy ate roast beef, this little piggy ate none.  And THIS little piggy went right into my clams casino.
  Scissors are key here.  I used four slices total.
 Now we don't use any measurin' cups 'round these them here parts.  You are looking for a certain consistency when adding breadcrumbs and butter.  If it looks dry, add more butter (wink-wink).  If it is too soupy, add breadcrumbs.  Be big girls and boys and put away the measuring cup.  For reference, I think I used about a cup of breadcrumbs to start with and a stick....okay okay TWO sticks of butter.  :D

This is what too dry looks like.
This is what loving myself deeply looks like.

'When Harry Met Sally.  Meg Ryan.  Diner Scene.  'Nuff said.  

Now we are ready to assemble.

Grab a teaspoon and do this while singing Pavarotti.

Your raw little piggies are saying "pick me, oh pick me, coach!"

Really lay them on THICK.  The piggies make the entire dish.

Because everyone needs a mentor (ahem, MOTHER) in the kitchen with them at all times saying helpful things like "You missed one.  That one needs more.  You put too much on that one.  That's enough!".  Yes, I am her humble apprentice in the kitchen.

Finished product awaiting the broiler.

Broil for less than 10 minutes.  Put on your big girl (or boy) panties (or briefs) and put away your timer.  Just watch them and sing and dance something from XM CoffeeHouse while you wait.  It would be good to turn the tray half way through broiling, however long that is.

Oui La!  Completion indicated by the crispy little piggies!

A popular appetizer for a dinner party or if you are lazy like me, a complete meal. Would be good with chilled white wine of the finest sort.  I wouldn't know.  Ciao!

1 comment:

  1. So very nice to read this. Digging this playful spirit oh so much!
