
Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Restorative...the word.

So....{twirling my hair....avoiding eye contact....staring at the ground....fidgeting my feet like a smallish child}.

I've met someone.  A man.

I've met a man...

Isn't that what grownups say when they are hinting around that they've met someone...different?  That a relationship may be underway?

I've met a lot of men...this one...I keep saying "Yes" to for some reason.  I haven't put too much thought into it.  I just notice that I keep saying yes to his invitations.  It's been a couple months.

He's representing a ton of first hurdles for me to get over in dating... I tend to "freak out" when I get to a new that first date.  First meet of the kids...first kiss...first outing in public....first meet of my friends....

I-just -totally-freak - out.... and then I'm fine.  He's been super patient and tolerant.  Available. That's important to me.  He checks in with me most days.  We've had a couple hiccups and moved past them.  We've taken some space then returned to normal.

He landed himself the Chewbacca ringtone for a week or two, then ended up with his own ringtone. This took some effort.  I noticed.

He is super reverent and weaves scripture into many of our deep conversations- which freaks me out in its own way.
He instigates meaningful conversations with me and doesn't shirk from my exhuberant expressions and responses.
He throws a mean spiral.
He is kind to my children and working toward creating a bond with them.
We laugh.
He's "jacked up" ~ according to my son.  In my son's lingo, this means he's got musculature.
I like what happens when he kisses me.  "Restorative" is the word brought to mind.

I'm not saying this is SERIOUS or anything.  I mean...that would totally freak me out to say that out loud or put pen to paper on that.  So we continue to date other people and be okay with it and laugh about it. What that means, I'm not quite certain. But I'm enjoying what's there in this season of my life.  I am grateful.


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